Cristiano Ronaldo A Messi. If you consider talent wise then its definitely Messi. but if you take an overall evaluation considering all the aspects of the game you can conclude that Cristiano Ronaldo as a Striker cum. I hope it answers your question.
Ronaldo is the older of the two, has played in more games and scored more goals than Messi. Документальный, спорт. Режиссер: Тара Пирниа. В ролях: Дэвид Бекхэм, Криштиану Роналду, Алекс Фергюсон и др. Футбольный мир разделен на два противоборствующих лагеря: на тех, кто болеет за Криштиану Роналду, и тех, кто отдает предпочтение Лионелю Месси.
Speculation is mounting that Cristiano Ronaldo would consider a move to Paris. © Reuters.
Le Portugais du Real Madrid serait-il devenu fair-play ? And that's why Cristiano Ronaldo is a better captain than Lionel messi. It is a great game of humor in which these two stars of world Football are going to beat in duel but to blows.